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Competition Rules

In General


All financial members of the Camera Club South Perth (the Club) are eligible to enter monthly competitions.

All images must be the original photographic work of the member.
All prints and digital images remain the property of the photographer and the Club claims no rights other than the ability to display the prints and images at Club meetings including the Club Annual Awards evening, at other Camera Clubs or WAPF exhibitions and functions including Inter-Club events, and on the Club website or publications.

All competition entries are reviewed and scored by guest judges and members.

At the end of the year Awards for the most points accrued in club's competition for Photographer of the year.


  1. Members may submit one entry per section.

  2. All photography and artwork must be wholly the work of the entrant.

  3. All entries may be commercially printed.

  4. Images, which have won Gold or Silver in a club competition, may never be entered in other club competitions except the annual judging. Such images shall not be worked on in any way prior to the annual judging.

  5. Images with only minor variations from previous entered images are NOT to be submitted for club competitions

  6. Only financial members may participate in club competitions.

  7. All entries must be taken within a period of 24 months prior to the date of the competition.

  8. When available an independent judge will decide any Golds, Silvers and Bronzes in each section.

  9. Any image, which does not conform to the competition rules or the subject, may be rejected.

  10. ANNUAL AWARDS NIGHT The annual awards night will be held last meeting in June and Awards or prizes will be awarded in the following categories:-
    - Photograph of the year: Overall points accumulated between the membership period of July and June in all sections The photograph of the year will be judged by an independent judge who will select it from Golds and Silvers selected in each of the monthly competitions.
    - Photographer of the year - Throughout the year, points will be allocated as follows:- Gold  3 points Silver 2 points and Bronze 1 points. Each entry submitted will be allocated 1 point These accumulated points will determine overall point’s winners. Distinctions, Highly commended or other awards are encouragement only and don’t accrue extra point.
    Gold, Silvers and Bronzes may not be issued if the judge desires.


South Perth Camera club will be recognised as a WAPF member club (upon reaching 10 members)

Members can also compete against other WA camera clubs in various competitions organised by the West Australian Photographic Federation (WAPF).

Requirements for Projected Images

Entries need to be:
- JPEG file(*.jpg)
- sRGB profile
- There is no limit to resolution
- Maximum digital image size is up to 1920 pixels wide and up to 1080 pixels high.
- Landscape shots: up to 1920 pixels wide x up to 1080 pixels
- Portrait shots: 1080 pixels high x Whatever It makes
- Panorama images can never exceed the 1920 pixels wide.
- Maximum file size is 1Mb (100Kb).

A different ratio may be applied to the digital image (e.g. square or 'letterbox'), provided the maximum sizes are not exceeded.


Resizing PDF can be found here and may assist.


-Digital images are to be submitted to the Digital Images Coordinator by emailing them to:


- Naming of digital entries is standardised to the format of Section (Topic or Open), Image Title and Author’s Name separated by underscores.



Open_Grasshopper_Joe Soap.jpg


Topic eg. Macro_Hopping_Joe Soap.jpg


- No Projected Image entries will be accepted at the hall on the competition night.

Requirements for Prints

- Prints:

 20cm X 25cm is the maximum mount size for entries in all WAPF and National competitions.



Digital images for all Set Subject competitions must be emailed to the Camera club by 11.59 pm on the 15th of each month for competition night.  Late entries may not be accepted.

Monthly Competitions Point System

Gold:   Images that are seen by the Judge to be of a very high standard and would more than likely be deemed as outstanding in photography               club competitions.  These images will

         have a high initial impact, incorporate good composition and be of a high technical


Silver:   Images that a Judge considers to be of a high standard for a camera club com-

        petition in terms of subject matter, composition and technical considerations.  They will

        have most of the boxes ticked but need a little more to be considered a Gold award.


Bronze:   Images that the Judge considers to be on the right rack in terms of subject

        matter, composition and technical considerations but need more in the way of

        composition, technique in the taking and/or post processing of the image to lift them

        to a Silver award.

The Judge is encouraged to provide brief feedback on each entry within the time allocated, with the intent to help all members learn about photography and to encourage participation.

Monthly Competition Scoring system

Points counting towards the yearly aggregates for the Annual Club Awards will be allocated in the competition on the following basis:


   a.   Gold                              3 points;

   b.   Silver                             2 points;

   c.   Bronze                          1 points; and

   d.   Non-winning entry        1 point

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